
Community Child and Youth Care Network - Uganda

“Let the little children come
to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of
heaven belongs to such as
these.” Matthew 19:14
A community where children and youth enjoy their human rights and dignified life.

We strive to ensure that children, women and poor families have better lives through delivery of sustainable integrated community development services.

Our Approach
We are committed to promote self-help and integrated community driven development initiatives through advocacy and development service delivery

Areas Of Focus
1) HIV/AIDS – orphan support and awareness
2) Orphan education
3) HIV counseling and guidance
4) Health, sanitation and hygiene
5) Food, Nutrition and Income generating activities
6) Youth skills training and group savings
7) Parenting and teenage pregnancy prevention
8) Water and Sanitation

Our Core Values
1. We believe in God
2. We encourage self help and volunteerism
3. We believe in justice and fairness
4. We are transparent and accountable to the community we serve.
5. We believe in innovations for change
6. We believe in humanity’s ability to define destiny

Our Achievements (2008 – 2012)
1) 80 children are supported to attend school with scholastic materials.
2) Training in:
  a) Modern farming
  b) HIV/AIDs prevention
  c) Teenage pregnancy prevention and child nutrition.
  d) Cooperative Management.
3) We received 50 Jersey Cattle from Caritas Maddo - Kitovu Diocese Uganda
4) Received Montana Matilda, a volunteer from Canada.
5) Attended the following conferences:
  a) “Giving Children a Voice” conference in Tanzania
  b) “Global conference on child justice” in Kampala-Uganda
6) Started a primary school for orphans.

Support Our Projects (2014 - 2016)
1) Construction of a primary school for orphans
2) Clean Water Project:
  a) Construction of water harvesting tanks.
  b) 5 spring wells and 2 bore holes.
2) Education Support (300) children:
  a) Scholastic materials
  b) School fees
3) Construction of a Training and Resource centre for the youth.
4) Handcraft and Tailoring (10 sewing machines) for the youth.

Montana Allen - volunteer from Canada sharing a happy moment with the orphans at school

Training in teenage pregnancy prevention and HIV/Aids awareness

Montana Allen deworming children

UK Cordinator (Hamza Makesa) giving out exercise books to the children

A youth brick-making project

Farming activity

Executive Director (Ssenyonga Patrick) with the volunteer witnessing energy saving stove.

Volunteer constructing a dry rack